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EYEZbrand - The Art and EYEZ of Peat Wollaeger

Bee Sacred wood engraving Collab with Clark Medley @EYEZ C👁LLAB👁RATE Painting

Bee Sacred wood engraving Collab with Clark Medley @EYEZ C👁LLAB👁RATE Painting

Regular price $1,111.11 USD
Regular price $2,222.00 USD Sale price $1,111.11 USD
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This collaboration between Peat Eyez and the talented Clark Medley (@Clark_Medley on IG) almost took a year to produce between the two artist. Peat first stenciled a pattern and then passed it to Clark who painted his iconic letters and a large Gold leafed medallion. He then returned the wood panel to Eyez where he then engraved an intricate design and also attached a wood engraved medallion. Peat then passed the piece back to Clark where he added the finishing touches and poured a super thick clear coat epoxy for maximum protection and unbeatable shine.

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